Qing Dynasty Chinese Foo Dog Censer

Qing Dynasty Chinese Foo Dog Censer


Experience the allure of an intricately hand-carved Chinese soapstone censer from the early 20th century. This imposing piece exudes a commanding presence, with its three ferocious foo dogs fiercely guarding its sacred domain. Transcending time, the censer enchants with its vibrant hues of red, black, and gray, evoking an ardent energy that effortlessly captivates the beholder. Each painstakingly crafted detail tells a story of ancient artistry and unrivaled craftsmanship, transporting you to a bygone era where power, mystery, and beauty converge harmoniously.


Height: 8 in (20.32 cm)

Width: 8 in (20.32 cm)

Depth: 2 in (5.08)

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