Antique Brass Nepali Sukunda - Oil Lamp
Antique Brass Nepali Sukunda - Oil Lamp
Introducing a 19th-century antique Nepali Sukunda, a meticulously crafted repoussé brass ritual oil lamp adorned with the divine presence of Ganesha, the powerful elephant-headed Hindu God of beginnings. As you lay your eyes upon this artifact, you will feel the energy radiating from this symbol of devotion and prosperity. Delicate and unique, this Sukunda serves as the perfect embodiment of the divine, attracting blessings from the heavens for those who display it in their homes or sacred spaces. Behind Lord Ganesha, gracefully positioned within a mesmerizing canopy of five snakes, stands the enchanting and mythical serpent Goddess Devatha, representing renewal, transformation, and protection. Don't miss this rare opportunity to own a truly extraordinary piece of art that not only embodies tradition and spirituality, but also captures the essence of intellectualism, banking, writing, and the creative force of authors.
Height: 6.5 in (16.51 cm)
Length: 7 in (17.78 cm)
Width: 3 1/2 in (8.89 cm)
This item is shipped from Europe. International orders may take longer to ship depending on location.
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